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Registering for a database account

This page contains information on registering for a database account, training for new starters and getting help on the database.

If your hospital is already approved* to take part, there are three steps to be completed before you can log into the database:

Step 1:  Please send a copy of your signed CV and GCP certificate to - a CV template can be found on the HRA website.
(please note: these documents will be uploaded to the online site file for your centre within the BSRBR-RA database and will therefore be viewable/downloadable by anybody on your online delegation log with access to your centre, as determined by the local PI)


Step 2: Register for an account on our database. Once your registration has been reviewed in the BSRBR-RA office, your centre's Principal Investigator will automatically be sent an email to authorise your access to the database.


Step 3: Once authorised, you will be notified that your access to the BSRBR-RA Web System has been approved, and you will be able to log in to our database here . Your name will also automatically be added to your centre's electronic delegation log.


If you’re unsure about any part of this process please contact the BSRBR-RA offices on 0161 275 1652 or

*Please check with your local R&D office if your centre has the necessary ethics approvals in place to use the BSRBR-RA web system prior to registering for a database account.  

New starter training

Please visit our Training page for resources and contact information.


Database help & support

If you require any assistance while moving around the database, please refer to our Database FAQ section for useful information on common queries. Alternatively, please contact the office and we'll be happy to resolve any queries you may have.